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Corta y Raspa

CORTA y RASPA is the brand name for the wines made by a collective of small grower-producers based in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, los Mayetos.

What is this?
A neo-co-op?
‘Collab’ in device-world-speak?

Mayeto is a local term (in Sanlúcar, Rota, Trebujena and Chipiona) for a small-scale grower, whose fruit is typically sold to larger producers. Once there were more than 100 such, now there are less than 202. Given the low prices paid for fruit going to the region’s largely un-aspirational Finos (in 2019 the base rate was 36 euro cents/kilo), it’s a sub-marginal way of making a primary living.

Los Mayetos are a significant new voice among those re-telling the story of Marco de Jerez, aiming to recuperate the region’s history from recent generic, industrial, anonymous tendencies. 

‘Corta y Raspa’ is the brand name under which the group release low yield, high quality Palomino whites seeking to preserve-promote the identity of their vineyards.